The prominent change in Malaysia’s political landscape has affected the nation’s view of their identity. For 61 years, the...
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The Irony of ‘Begpacking’ in Third World Countries
Rifqi Muhammad, , Arts & Culture, asia, beggar, begging, begpackers, crime, flights, funds, illegal workers, law, poverty, third world countries, Travel, travel guide, travelling, visa, 0As you walk around the streets, it’s inevitable to see one or two beggars. There are times when seeing...
You Can’t Help Child Beggars by Simply Giving Them Money
Irfan Handaru, , Education, Women & Children, beggar, child trafficking, poverty, Rumah Titian Kaseh, street children, 0United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) identified street children as children in difficult circumstances whose rights and welfare remain a...
Sustainable Solution for Global Orphan Crisis
Amira Alaydroes, , Women & Children, crisis, family, orphan, poverty, sustainability, unicef, Yayasan Prima Unggul, 0There are estimatedly 153 million orphans across the world, according to UNICEF. Sixty one million of them live in...
Does Poverty The Cause of Homelessness?
Irfan Handaru, , Health & Human Well-being, case study, census data, data, homelessness, poverty, south east asia, southeast asia, 0Getting an accurate picture of global homelessness is extremely challenging. In some countries, street sleepers are actually discounted for...