The People of Asia's Publishing Platform is open publishing as a place for Southeast Asian community to share our stories, inspiration, values and ideas into article forms.
And to help you produce a great material to publish inside the publishing platform, here are the guidelines to consider in your writing process:
- You're responsible for the content of your article.
- Expect that your article will be publicly available and can be shared by anyone.
- Kindly note that you are not permitted to publish contents that are misleading, fraudulent, obscene, threatening, hateful, defamatory, discriminatory, or illegal. We also do not allow threats of violence, hate speech, harassment, bridge of privacy/consent, copyright violation, and spam articles.
- Our publishing platform may restrict, suspend, or terminate your account and/or disable your articles for any violation of the above.
- We recommend you to use an image to emphasise significant points or just to beautify your article, but make sure that you're not violating copyright or licensing while using the image. You may use free image resources such as Pexels, Pixabay, Moose and Unsplash that are great for free Creative Commons-licensed free images.
And don't forget to not publish anything you don't have permission to share such as other people's articles, things that you've found elsewhere, or content that does not belong to you.
As long as it is originally you, raw and expressively dedicated to the betterment of our society, have fun writing on our platform. We encourage you to write as a form of your expression. And remember, your voice matter.