If you search “Tangkahan” today, you will be shown to many travel websites calling it the “hidden gem in...
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Malaysian Haze: Air Quality Drop Caused by Forest Fires Smoke
Amira Alaydroes, , Economy & Business, Tech & Environment, air pollution, air polution, air quality, haze, malaysia, Palm Oil, plantation, pollution, Riau, wildfire, wildlife, 0Remember the time your neighbour threw a party and the music got so loud that you couldn’t get a...
Indonesia President Signs 3-years Moratorium on Palm Oil Plantations
Nenden S. Arum, , Tech & Environment, Indonesia, moratorium, Palm Oil, plantation, 0President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo has signed a moratorium and instructed ministers and regional administrations to halt the issuance...
FGV Packed Off to Foreign Masters?
Azam Azri, , Health & Human Well-being, FGV, malaysia, Palm Oil, Peter Sondakh, 0There seems to be a lot of undercurrents at FGV Holdings Bhd in Malaysia as it becomes the focus...