If you think about “recycled hat”, you wouldn’t think you’d want to wear it casually. But we stumbled upon...
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The Pressure of Productivity in the Age of COVID-19
Elijah Kamaal, , Economy & Business, Health & Human Well-being, business, economy, entrepreneurship, Self Love, self respect, self-care, side business, small business, work, work-life balance, workers, 0Amidst the pandemic, sometimes it feels like society says you should always be happy, and that showing your panic...
Must-Read for Thriving Young (To Be) Entrepreneurs
Rifqi Muhammad, , Economy & Business, Education, books, business, critical thinking, entrepreneurship, habit, habits, life balance, life problems, lifestyle, productive work, productivity, reading books, urban, work, work effective, work-life balance, workers, working, Yayasan Prima Unggul, 0“A lot of people complain about yesterday. We have no power to change yesterday. But this very day, 30...
How to Practise Entrepreneurship to Our Little Ones
Nenden S. Arum, , Economy & Business, Education, Women & Children, business, child development, education, entrepreneurship, failure, self-reliance, Yayasan Prima Unggul, 0Entrepreneurial skills isn’t just about starting a business. There is a more fundamental value: survival. As you may have...
5 Entrepreneurial Lessons to Teach Your Kids
The People of Asia, , Economy & Business, Education, Women & Children, children, creativity, education, entrepreneurship, failure, finance, financial matter, independent, self-reliance, 0Entrepreneurship has many benefits for children, so they would be a responsible, self-reliant people who, hopefully, would benefit the...