Living in big cities, it is more and more important to be aware of air pollution dangers. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for reducing the effects of air pollution. The cause and damage is complicated, involving a lot of factors.
But as individuals, we are not completely helpless. There are actions we can do to either not participate in polluting the air or avoiding the effects.
1. Wear masks
First thing’s first, wear masks anytime you are outdoors. It may not help significantly, but it will lessen the exposure.
2. Use public transportation
So, you do have to avoid the outdoors. However, using private vehicles all the time will increase your pollution footprint. You may feel like using public transport makes you more exposed to air pollution. Yet in the long run, if more people are using public transport, air pollution can be significantly reduced. Thus, the air will generally be cleaner.
3. Avoid heavily polluted streets
Make some shifts in your routes. If you’re using public transport, it’s better to avoid stations or streets that has dense pollution. For example, busy main roads with too many vehicles or industrial areas. If altering your routes isn’t possible due to time and efficiency, at least avoid polluted areas for other activities. For example, instead of exercising in the park near your office area--with busy vehicles hustling around--you can exercise at the park in your neighborhood or indoors.
4. Purify your home
You can’t instantly clean the air pollution around you. But, you can lessen their effects indoors with air purifier products. Better yet, you can also get natural purifiers through plants! Air purifier products needs energy, either through battery or electricity. Plants are more sustainable and eco-friendly; you just need to put a little bit more effort.
5. Get a healthier lifestyle
Make yourself less vulnerable. The best barrier from air pollution is actually your own body. The effects of air pollution weigh more heavily on those who already catch other diseases or complications. Take control of your lifestyle and improve your immune system.